Relevant publications are listed below in order of recency. SEBE Lab members denoted in bold.
Lahlou, S., (ed.) Designing User Friendly Augmented Work Environments.London: Springer. Computer Supported Cooperative Work Series, Nov. 2009.
Lahlou, S. (2009) Experimental Reality: Principles for the Design of Augmented Environments. In Lahlou, S. (ed). Designing User Friendly Augmented Work Environments. London: Springer. Computer Supported Cooperative Work Series, 2009. pp. 113-158. ISBN-10: 1848000979
Lahlou, S. (2008) Supporting collaboration with augmented environments: design and dissemination issues. In Dillenbourg, P., Huang, J. & Cherubini, M. (eds.). Interactive Furniture Supporting Collaborative Work/ Learning. Berlin: Spinger Verlag. pp. 75-93.
Lahlou, S., Nosulenko, V., Samoylenko, E. (2002) Un cadre méthodologique pour le design des environnements augmentés. Social Science Information, 41(4), 471-530.
Fauquet-Alekhine, P., & Lahlou, S. (2017). The Square of PErcieved ACtion model (SPEAC model) applied in digital ethnography for work activity analysis: performance and workers’ perception. Current Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 22(3): 1-13; Article no. CJAST.34985. [LSE eprint]
Fauquet-Alekhine, P. (2016a). Subjective Ethnographic Protocol for Work Activity Analysis and Occupational Training Improvement. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 12(5): 1-16, Article no. BJAST.21632. [LSE eprint] DOI: 10.9734/BJAST/2016/21632
Fauquet-Alekhine, P. (2016b). Risk assessment for Subjective Evidence-Based Ethnography applied in high risk environment. Advances in Research, 6(2): 1-13, 2016, Article no. AIR.21597. [LSE eprint] DOI: 10.9734/AIR/2016/21597
Fauquet-Alekhine, P., & Fauquet-Alekhine-Pavlovskaya, E. (2016). Foreign Migration of Brands Discussed under the Light of Intersubjectivity Perspective: Illustration with a Case of Food Products. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 15(2), 1-22, Article no.BJEMT.29292.DOI: 10.9734/BJEMT/2016/29292
Le Bellu, S., Le Blanc, B., Di Benedetto, S. (2016). De la R&D à l’industrialisation d’un dispositif de gestion organisationnelle des savoirs d’experts : le cas d’une grande entreprise française. Management & Avenir, 84, 95-113. [LSE eprint] DOI: 10.3917/mav.084.0095
Le Bellu, S. (2016). Learning the secrets of the craft through the real-time experience of experts: capturing and transferring professional expert tacit knowledge to novices. Perspectives Interdisciplinaires Sur Le Travail et La Santé (PISTES), 18(1). [LSE eprint]
Fauquet-Alekhine, P., Fauquet-Alekhine-Pavlovskaya, E., & Gobbo, A. (2014). Innovative Subjective Evidence-Based Ethnography applied to food consumer’s behavior: the case of wine. International Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference (IIBA 2014, Istanbul). [LSE eprint] DOI: 10.9734/CJAST/2017/34985
Le Bellu, S., Lahlou, S., & Nosulenko, V. (2010). Capter et transférer le savoir incorporé dans un geste professionnel. Social Science Information, 49(3), 371–413. [LSE eprint] DOI: 10.1177/0539018410372582
Le Bellu, S., Lahlou, S., & Le Blanc, B. (2009). Comment capter le savoir incorporé dans un geste métier du point de vue de l’opérateur? ISDM : Information Sciences for Decision Making, (36), ISSN 1265-495. [LSE eprint]
Lahlou, S. (2002) Travail de bureau et débordement cognitif. In M. Jourdan, & J. Theureau (eds). Charge mentale: notion floue et vrai problème. Paris : Octarès. pp. 73-91.
Lahlou, S. (2000) Attracteurs cognitifs et travail de bureau. Intellectica 2000/1, 30, 75-113.
Lahlou, S. (1999) Observing Cognitive Work in Offices. In N. Streitz, J. Siegel, V. Hartkopf, S. Konomi (eds). Cooperative Buildings. Integrating Information, Organizations and Architecture. Heidelberg: Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1670. pp. 150-163.
Phelps, J. M., Strype, J., Le Bellu, S., Lahlou, S. (Accepted). Examining the potential effects of subjective evidence-based ethnography to enhance professional police education. Policing.