Saadi Lahlou is professor in Social psychology at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Initially trained as a statistician-economist (ENSAE) and in social science (PhD thesis, HDR), Saadi worked in research (EHESS, CNRS, Crédoc) and industry (15 years at EDF, where he was a scientific adviser to the director of the R&D) with a short experience in administration (Commissariat Général du Plan).
Saadi directed 4 research units, published 4 books, over 150 papers and developed new methods of investigation, in text mining, consumer process analysis, action research for innovation, and more recently digital ethnography with the subcam and SEBE.
His two main current research interests are: using wearable video to transmit professional know-how, and changing human behaviour by modifying the environment, for which he is developing a pragmatic framework, “Installation Theory”.